Print Time Offers Great Tips on Effective Flyers

Make sure your flyers don’t get consigned to the nearest trash bin from your storefront just minutes after you hand them out. Great flyers have excellent message clarity and embed your brand name into your potential customers’ minds. But with so many flyers getting handed out, consumers typically feel an information overload and dismiss these materials outright.

Consider the following to designing effective flyers:

Make your headline a clear goal

You have less than a second to get your consumer’s attention with the flyer. Therefore the most important message you want them to see should be the headline and immediately apparent. Flyers are most attractive when they have a large, concise banner headline that immediately tells the consumer the most crucial bit, such as “SALE!,” “50% DISCOUNT,” or “FREE.”

Don’t overload the flyer

Understandably, brands want to ensure consumers have all the information they need. There’s always the temptation to cram the flyer with essential text or info you want them to know and be attracted to. But filling a flyer with small text is a surefire way to get your consumer to throw it out.

No one has the patience or time to read it all. Make sure your message is large, clear, and limited. And less info may make them want to contact you.

Give them a way to contact you

Your flyer acts as a larger calling card. If customers see something they like, they need to find out where to get more of it. Ensure that your contact details, shop address, and even your website are displayed clearly, so customers know who to call if they’re interested. One of the best ways to do it is to add your contact details to a “coupon” portion of the flyer, ensuring that your consumer saves the flyer for later use.

Flyers can be highly effective when done right and distributed at the right time and place. With excellently printed and laid-out flyers, you’re well on increasing your leads and ROI.

Tearaway flyers with coupons or discounts will likely motivate your customers to hold onto them. Call Print Time today to check your options on flyers with perforations.


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