Print Time Shares Ways to Market Your Business and Make it Stand Out

Print Time Shares Ways to Market Your Business and Make it Stand Out

Your business stands to gain a lot of attention with the right type of physical marketing. In a world that’s increasingly digital and all the target audiences getting bombarded with advertisements online, it’s a lot easier for a business to stand out and gain some ground through physical, printed marketing. Here are some highly effective methods to make sure that…

Print Time Gives Tips on How to Design Effective Flyers

Print Time Gives Tips on How to Design Effective Flyers

You’ve seen flyers everywhere, especially when there’s a new business opening, a sale, or a big holiday coming up. Flyers continue to be a highly effective and cost-efficient advertising method to people in the real world as they go about their day. They’re bright, tangible, and people can simply grab one as they keep going. But what makes a flyer…

Print Time Shares Tips on How to Keep Your Print Cost Low

Print Time Shares Tips on How to Keep Your Print Cost Low

Keeping the print cost low is an unspoken rule for people who do their printing at home or the office. After all, printer ink is one of the most expensive liquids on earth by the gallon. Print Time has found that many customers choose cheaper alternatives as they fear that the higher quality printing or paper will drive the overall…

PrintTime Explains: Does Paper Quality Matter When It Comes To Printing?

PrintTime Explains: Does Paper Quality Matter When It Comes To Printing?

Among printers and marketers, paper quality can be a contentious decision. However, for most people, squabbling or even thinking too deeply about paper quality is seen as an exaggeration, likened to bridezillas stressing over their invitation paper or Patrick Bateman panicking about the paper in his colleagues’ business cards. But paper quality does matter, especially when the goal is to…

Print Time Explains Why Print Remains So Important to an Increasingly Digital World

Print Time Explains Why Print Remains So Important to an Increasingly Digital World

With the digital world-encompassing everyone’s daily life, especially during a time of lockdown, people start wondering: Is print still relevant? The short answer: yes. Despite the massive shift towards digitization of just about everything, print remains relevant in the physical world from socialization to marketing. The Battle Against Digital Fatigue It’s precisely because there is so much digital material that…

Print Time on Real Estate Marketing: Do’s and Don’ts

Print Time on Real Estate Marketing: Do’s and Don’ts

Selling real estate in Kansas City is an incredibly competitive field. Many agencies and agents do whatever it takes to get a leg up on the competition, which often involves stepping up the marketing campaigns to attract buyers and sellers. In the print industry, real estate printing can be incredibly lucrative in this regard. However, there are still some dos…

Print Time on the Latest Printing Trends of 2021

Print Time on the Latest Printing Trends of 2021

It’s critical for any business to stay on top of the latest printing trends. For Print Time, the print world’s continuous evolution keeps creating exciting and promising innovations for large and small businesses. Whether it’s printing for marketing or products, there are new and more fascinating trends that have cropped up in the print world for 2021. Shimmering It’s not…

Print Time Defines: What is Offset Printing?

Print Time Defines: What is Offset Printing?

Offset printing might not be too familiar for everyday people, but it’s a common term to anyone who works in printing or the printing industry. Also called offset lithography or litho-offset, the term is defined as a widely-used form of commercial printing. It’s one of the most popular means to print in larger volumes. Whereas your regular office printer may…

Print Time Gives Business Cards Ideas for 2021

Print Time Gives Business Cards Ideas for 2021

It is a new year, and new business cards are a must. Print Time has numerous customers who constantly change their cards’ design and themes to keep up with the times and make them interesting for their recipients. A great business card can give a person an excellent first impression or brand recall. Here are some great ideas for new…